Telerecruiting has been assisting colleges and universities with telephone outreach to prospective students for over 20 years. The President, Gina Campbell, is a former Director of Admissions and has 30+ years of admissions and marketing experience.
We Know the Lingo: As former admissions professionals themselves, our callers understand the admissions and financial aid process and we know the "lingo" used by students and parents (SAT, ACT, SAT Subject tests, EA, ED, FAFSA, AP, etc.)
Engaging Conversations: Telerecruiters will engage students and parents in a conversation. Through extensive preparation and training, our callers become highly knowledgeable about your institution. By learning more about the topics of interest for each student, we can personalize each conversation while highlighting the strengths of your school.
Qualification Plus Recruiting: We go beyond merely qualifying a student's level of interest; we provide students with specific reasons why they should be interested in your institution.
Speaking with Parents: In recent years parents have become increasingly influential regarding where their child ultimately chooses to enroll. Since all of callers have worked in college admissions, they are able to address the concerns and questions of parents with ease and confidence.